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Indian sarsaparilla |
English name: Indian sarsaparilla
Scientific name: Hemidesmus indicus (L) R. Br.
Useable parts: The whole herb.
1) 1-2 gm crush taken twice a day after diet cures scabies, lepriasis, leucoderma (congenital absence of pigmentation of the skin in patches) and itching.
2) Coating its paste on the infected area cures inflammation, achne and dropsical swelling.
3) Put the threshed herbs into a glass of hot water and keep for a whole night. In the next morning take only the filtered water to take in an empty stomach to cure apositia (loathing for food).
4) 3-5 teaspoon sap taken twice a day with water and sugar cures burning sensation of hands and feet.
5) Its sap cures asthma.
Besides, Indian sarsaparilla is a tonic for sex, remedy for fever and diarrhea, mitigates the anorexia (want of appetite) and purifies the blood.
1-2 gm powder
2-3 gm teaspoon sap
8-10 mother tincture
Precaution: Excessive dose should be avoided.